A Letter to Our Community
Banza’s mission is to inspire people to eat more chickpeas – for their positive impact on human health and the environment. Eating beans is correlated with longevity and reduced risk of heart disease, obesity, and diabetes. We want to make it easier for people to eat healthy foods.
Our number one priority as a company is the well-being of our consumers and ensuring gold standard-level quality and safety of our products. This has always been core to our mission and our ethos at Banza.
We want to address some recent social media conversations about glyphosate levels in our pasta. Glyphosate is the most commonly used herbicide in the world and trace amounts can be found in nearly all foods -- from fruits and vegetables to corn, nuts and beans. It can even show up in organic foods.
Here are the facts:
1. Our suppliers have conducted routine glyphosate tests on our chickpeas over the last seven years and 100% of those tests have complied with, and were below, US and EU glyphosate limits.
2. The majority of those tests showed undetectable levels of glyphosate.
3. Additionally, when boiling pasta, the majority of any trace glyphosate is removed from the pasta and is discarded along with the water.
A recent social media post claimed our pasta contained a certain glyphosate level. Although the claimed level is below US and EU government standards, we commissioned our own independent testing with a publicly traded laboratory that is a world leader in food product testing. This lab analyzed the exact same lot referenced in the social media post, using proper methodologies on cooked finished product. The results showed 0.1 parts per million, which is 97% below what was claimed in the social media post.
Finally, the broader scientific community and government agencies worldwide (including those in the US and EU), have concluded that trace levels of glyphosate in food are harmless.
Our products are, and have always been, safe to eat.
In an effort to provide visibility into how our chickpeas are farmed, we wanted to share more about our chickpeas that were planted earlier this year. As of the 2024 harvest, which began in August, all Banza chickpea suppliers have either pledged or are legally required to not use glyphosate to harvest our chickpeas - a practice known as desiccation. We'll continue to conduct regular third-party testing to ensure this commitment is being honored.
Regenerative farming, including traditional harvesting methods, is something Banza has been funding, validating and expanding on here in the US for years. We’re glad to share our progress.
Your health, safety, and comfort in eating our food matters so much to us. We are as passionate as ever about the enormous good that chickpeas deliver for human health. We hope you continue eating Banza products and that you will continue trusting us to keep making foods that are healthy and tasty. This is at the heart of everything we do. If you have any additional questions, please feel free to reach out to info@eatbanza.com, we are here for you.